Get a Direct Mailing/Mailing Services Quote

To receive a Direct Mailing/Mailing Services quote, please complete the form below or contact us at 510-251-8660.


Date: (required)
Name: (required)
Address 1: (required)
Address 2:
City: (required)
State: (required)
Zip Code: (required)
Country: (required)
Phone: (required)
E-mail: (required)


TURNAROUND TIME: (1 field required)
 What mail classification? (1 field required)
First Class Presort First Class
Standard A Non-Profit
Periodical Bound Matter
Other I Don’t Know
When do you plan to mail?
Will this be a one time mailing or multi-mailings?
  One Time    Multi-mailing
What is your mail piece size?
What is your mailing count?
Will we address directly on to your mail piece?
  YES     NO
Will we Affix Pressure Sensitive Labels?
  YES     NO
Will we Print your Pressure Sensitive Labels?
  YES     NO
What folding services do you need?
What is the folding finish size?
What size will your mail piece be when we receive it?
Will there be any pieces that need to be collated?
  YES     NO
What is the Collating Sheet Size?
Number of Pieces to be Collated?
How many inserts will go into your envelope?
What size is your envelope?
Will your envelopes require manual or machine sealing?
  Manual Sealing    Machine Sealing
How many tabs will your self-mailer need?
  Tabbing self-mailers requires 2 if your mail piece opens on the bottom. If your mail piece opens on the top, one tab is usually sufficient.
Do you have a mailing permit? (required)
  YES     NO
What city is your permit located?
Will we deliver to the Post Office?
  YES     NO
Which Post Office(City)?
Will your mailing permit be pre-printed on your mail pieces?
  YES     NO
Will we need to put the permit on your mail pieces?
  YES     NO
How do we handle your extra material?
Delivered to you Recycled
Customer will Pick-Up BDMCS Stores
      How long?

Computer Services / Mail Merge

Will we receive your database via Disk, CD, or Email?
Will your database originate from a PC OR Mac?
  PC    MAC
What program and version was your database created?
Do you want us to provide duplicate detection services?
  YES     NO
  If yes, What Fields?
Do you need Data Entry Services?
  YES     NO
  If yes, What Fields?
Is the data entry (typed) or (hand) written?
  Typed    Hand Written
Is this a Mail Merge project?
  YES     NO
  If yes, how many different mail merge fields?
Do we need to match the letter with the envelope?
  YES     NO
  If yes, how many pieces do we match?
Do you want us to purchase your mail list?
  YES     NO
What kind of mail list do you need?
  Residential    Consumer    Business    Other
Tell us more about the kind of list you want us to compile
(Age, Income, Homeowner, Residential, Zip codes, Interests, Business type and information ETC).
How many addresses do want to purchase?

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